What to know about Jewish matchmaking Australia?

The idea of one Jewish person matching another Jewish person appears simple, but it is only sometimes. Being Jewish in the United States means different things to different people in different places. Regarding religion, Jewishness is typically perceived as an identification with an ethnic and cultural group. Adding to the mix is the difference between growing up Jewish in a big city like Australia and being raised in a small community. Tribe12 is here with Jewish matchmaking Australia . Interfaith Jewish Dating and Intermarriage Whatever your feelings about intermarriage are, there is a fundamental reason Jewish community leaders encourage Jews to marry additional Jews: success from the faith and culture. There are approximately 6 million Jews in the United States, accounting for slightly more than 2% of the total population. According to previous data, nearly half of American Jews marry non-Jews, and only about one-third of those intermarried partners raise Jewish children. ...